Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday's Merry Music Moves Me!

Christmas train

Reindeer lights

Music on World off
Welcome aboard our 170th week of "Monday's Music Moves Me"!
notesXmasDolly, Queen Christmas (per Naila-Moon, but how about Queen Elf hehehe) Conductor on this Musical trip.  Co-Elf conductors Callie of JAmerican Spice, Stacy of Stacy Uncorked, Cathy of Cathy Kennedy's Blog NAILA MOON of Just the Stuff You Know !   NOW LET'S ROCK THIS PLACE & get this TRAIN rollin'!  BUT STOP THE TRAIN...... THERE'S ONE MORE THING EVERYONE A BIG "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR COOLEST ELF TODAY  CATHY"!  DON'T FORGET TO TELL HER HAPPY BIRTHDAY WHEN YOU ROCK ON OVER THERE!  IT WAS THIS PAST SATURDAY!

STEPS:  You Tube,  lock & load!  Grab "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button.  SIGN LINKY, Follow US, & leave a Rockin' comment! Finally, Boogie down to your Fellow Rockin' Bloggers & bring some back with you to join us!  As you may have noticed any link that you see with NO MUSIC you don't  have to visit if you don't want too. It's for your convenience. Do I watch out for my Buds or what?  Our "SPOTLIGHT DANCER" this month will not have to come up with a theme just be our Spotlight Elf and Post her/his Elf Button.  This month's theme is Christmas music & if you want EVERY OTHER WEEK FREEBIES WILL REMAIN THE SAME or continue with Christmas tunes.

Don't forget to follow everyone! Now let's ROCK!

So, they tell me it's Christmas month all month long, so let's get down to it and get this show on the road.

Media Dave reporting on the "Snark" clip-on guitar tuner.  Your guitar's BEST friend (besides YOU, of course)!  Easy to use, easy to read, and very accurate!

Disclaimer: Opinion in this POST is 100% my own, and no monetary compensation was given.


  1. PERFECT! That is really cool how that works!
    I just want to hear ya play now!
    Come on by.

  2. You make a very good teacher!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Have a great week! :)

  3. Now this is how to do it my friend! Show them how it's done, and the way it works, but now blog hop to tell them you're here or they won't know you're here my love. Oh I know I'll put you in today's blog as a review.

  4. Believe me when I say I know NOTHING about guitars. I actually know nothing about music in general; just what I like genre wise. Lol That being said, that's a pretty nifty doodad!

    Who knows, maybe I'll learn about music from you and your tutorials :)

    Have a musical week!

  5. very cool my son was really impressed but then he is our resident musician
