Hi, friends…Dave here! Guitarist, vocalist, lyricist, composer, poet, avid roller coaster fan, son of an Advertising man, and now…a blogger! Some have said I have a way with words, and I like to say as much as possible with as few words as necessary. I do have my opinions, and I’m not afraid to use them – ask any one of my facebook friends…I’m sure they’ll back me up on that. I still believe in honesty (a “lost art”) in spite of today’s “politically correct” climate, and still find that humor can save your sanity…or protect you from it – that’s my life’s unwritten “Sanity Clause”.
Curious as I am, I’m always interested in reviewing new products in today’s market, and will use every social network resource available to “spread the word”. I naturally possess a unique perspective on life. New inventions are being announced every day, and people should know about them!
welcome to the land of Blog.